UFA™ Budget Policy

To keep overhead costs to a minimum, Utah Filmmakers™ endeavors to budget its resources on a project-by-project basis.

To meet the licensing requirements of the Utah Department of Commerce “For organizations who file the IRS Form 990-EZ, 990-PF, 990-N, or do not file any type of IRS Form 990,” a comprehensive Statement Of Functional Expenses—detailing all contributions/grant revenue and other proceeds, and outlays—has been submitted annually to the Division of Consumer Protection for the years 2017–2023 while also making the data publicly accessible through its Disclosure page.

In March of 2024, the Division of Consumer Protection informed UFA™ Leadership that charitable organizations were no longer required to register with their Division, citing amendments to the Charitable Solicitations Act by the state Legislature, indicating that reporting would only be necessary for “...certain charities... as part of [their annual] filing process.”

Regardless of this decision—which raises valid concerns about ethical oversight for Utah nonprofits—a statement accompanying the organization's public disclosure of data from its 2023 Statement of Functional Expenses included the following:

“In the interest of transparency, the Utah Filmmakers™ Association will continue to release [annual Statements] of Functional Expenses...”