The following outlines the expectations of the Utah Filmmakers™ Association regarding the decorum of its Corporate Principals, Leadership, Associates, and Members toward colleagues, employees, contractors, clients, customers, and the community—as well as participants in any official, associated and/or affiliated programs, forums, activities, and events. These standards are based on the organization’s core values of Professionalism, Integrity, and Respect, defined thusly:
1.0 Professionalism
1.1 Demonstrating competence, accountability, and productivity in one’s occupation to the best of their abilities.
1.2 Acknowledging one’s own limitations and embracing opportunities for learning and development, either on the job or via educational material or training.
1.3 Accepting responsibility for one’s actions. Owning difficult decisions and mistakes and being accountable for them—making necessary corrections where possible and/or relinquishing one’s stewardship over a particular program, project, or task, if necessary.
1.4 Embracing the collaborative nature of team projects, with willingness to assist others and to seek out and accept assistance from others with more knowledge and experience.
1.5 Being able to delegate responsibility and give others opportunities to learn, grow, and excel.
1.6 Recognizing and avoiding conflicts of interest which may occur whenever one’s pursuits in a particular subject lead one to actions, activities, or relationships that undermine—or appear to undermine—one’s ability to make honest and impartial choices when performing one’s duties and harm the collective interests of a project or program.
1.6.1 This includes—but is not limited to—situations like using one’s position of authority, exploiting group resources for personal gain, or taking for oneself opportunities discoverable only through one’s position.
2.0 Integrity
2.1 Ensuring that one is objective, fair and does not exploit others, their hard work, or their mistakes.
2.2 Giving everyone an equal opportunity to speak up when someone else doesn’t.
2.3 Being just toward colleagues, fellow organizations, and businesses.
2.4 Avoiding unethical behavior and/or practices to the best of one’s ability.
2.5 Being honest and transparent when one’s actions impact others (e.g., decisions affecting the livelihoods of employees and/or contractors).
2.6 Malicious, deceitful, or petty conduct will not be tolerated.
2.7 If one is discovered to be lying or misrepresenting themselves in their professional interactions, they may be disassociated from the organization and/or removed from official forums.
2.8 Adhering to the highest ethical standards of business conduct and accepting responsibility for acquiring sufficient knowledge of—and making a conscious effort to comply with—all federal, state, county, and municipal laws, regulations, and best practices pertaining to the environment, commerce, industry, safety, labor, discrimination, and privacy, in order to recognize potential risks and to know when to seek legal advice.
3.0 Respect
3.1 Being respectful of people, property, institutions, and the environment should be by default—no one should demand that respect be “earned.”
3.2 Being respectful means being inclusive, polite, patient, understanding, and courteous.
3.3 One must respect the rights of others to privacy, personal space, and to have and express their own opinions, and recognize that there is strength in diversity.
3.4 Understand that different perspectives on issues can be valuable for solving problems and generating new ideas.
3.5 When disagreements occur—and they will—it is imperative that every effort is made to identify the underlying causes immediately and try to resolve them constructively.
3.6 Any kind of violence, victimization, discriminatory or exclusionary behavior, or harassment toward others for any reason will not be tolerated.
3.7 An environment where people feel uncomfortable or threatened is neither productive nor creative.